

I am writing this 3 days before our first ever BIG LUNCH. I should be ticking off lists and panicking, but actually I think I am done. Yes .. I am in shock too! I have been working on this for three months and I think for once planning has actually paid off!

This is our first Big Lunch and I wanted to write about what it is, why I am doing it - so I can come back to it for the memories!

The Big Lunch The Big Lunch, “Brings neighbours and communities together to share friendship, food and fun”. It’s an idea from the Eden Project and it started back in 2009. It takes place each year in June. It's about celebrating community connections and getting to know one another a little better. I honestly thought there was nothing more perfect to celebrate not only our one year anniversary as a CIC. I had been in contact with the Eden Project about a couple of things (honestly, if you look up the word SUPPORTIVE in the dictionary I am sure it will say The Eden Project Communities Team).

22.9 MILLION people in the UK took part in a Big Lunch last year (I mean wow) and I wanted to get involved. I kind of love the “old fashioned” vibe about it too, no technology, just bring a long a plate of food to a venue and share it with strangers that become friends. LOVE-ER-LY. You don’t need a big venue or a tonne of money, some people just hold them in their front garden with their neighbours.

Anyway, I am holding ours THIS Saturday on the 6th of May at West Heath Community Centre. What a lovely place that is! We have a lovely room and I have approximately one hour to turn it into our Big Lunch Venue. Thanks to Niv, Lisha and their pals for jumping in and giving their time to help me! I had to provide “tickets” rather than a free for all due to venue capacity but 31 groups have claimed their tickets and I am looking forward to seeing them on Saturday.

I chose the Kings Coronation Day because from personal experience with my own life I have felt very lonely or excluded on days of National significance. If you have wobbly mental health or a low budget it can feel hard to “get involved” with anything so I am really hoping to provide an inclusive and friendly venue where people can pop along and have some fun.

As well as a MASSIVE BUFFET (that I hope some people will contribute to on the day too) I have friends from Rainey Community Creations running a craft workshop and the marvellous Ampers& Projects providing a seed workshop where people can take away seeds to grow their own flowers and food.

I am nervous YES, am I excited .. YES, am I worried .. COURSE I AM! But i’m excited to be offering this to the community and you never know for the next Big Lunch we can go even bigger and get even more people involved and excited about their local community!

A few people have reached out to me and asked how they can donate towards our Big Lunch, me being me I have kind of batted off their kindness with “it’s okay” but if you wanted to contribute from a far, it would be helpful, lots of Big Lunches raise money at their events and I have chosen not to do that but to quote an advert “Every Little Helps” right? Donate here

You can find out more about The Eden Project Communities Big Lunch - and maybe put on your own in your own area. Here

With thanks to Birmingham City Council Food Legends initiative and Iceland for your contributions to make this happen.